A Greenhouse in the Time of Coronavirus

Greetings, friends. Hope you’re staying safe and remaining indoors. Vince and I recorded this episode only one week ago, which now feels like approximately 5 years.

We do discuss the virus for a few minutes—after all, this kind of public crisis is the exact reason that some people build an off-the-grid homestead. But is that why we did it? Is this our bug-out spot? Or is it a community space? And if shit really hits the fan, does that change? There are no easy answers; it’s an ongoing conversation.

But then we move onto a brighter topic: building a greenhouse! Earlier this month, we built… oh, let’s say 75% of a greenhouse. There were trials and tribulations at every ding-dang step along the way, but we persevered!



  • The Grandio Ascent Greenhouse (8'2" W x 16' L x 7'9" H)

    • Choose a building site that maximizes winter sun and minimizes summer sun

    • Level your pad, remove all organic material (usually digging a few inches down will do), and don’t forget to add drainage trenches on either side

    • Dig holes for your bolts and pour concrete footers

    • Lay down overlapping lengths of hardware cloth (vinyl-coated, 16-gauge, half-inch) to protect your greenhouse from rodents

    • Then just, you know, construct a 2000-piece kit like you’ve shopped at the devil’s own IKEA


  • Debit cards have daily purchase limits (yeah, yeah, I should’ve known that, but I don’t buy $3000 things every day!)

  • Don’t use slate rocks to prop up a pie tin inside of a cast-iron. The moisture between the layers of slate will explode once heated over the fire and will get dirt in your pie.

  • Triple-check your boxes of parts when you pick them up to make sure you have every box. If they’re labelled “1 of 5,” “2 of 5,” etc, don’t just count 5 boxes. Check that you have every box.

  • If your greenhouse kit says it can be assembled by 2 people in 1 day, assume that is a complete lie. Even for experienced construction folks. That said, it’s a decent greenhouse with a good design, so we do recommend it.

Don’t forget to check out photos of our progress on Instagram!


Life Is In Tents


We Broke Ground!